
Hume Doors & Timber is committed to operating its entire business processes in an environmentally sustainable manner at all times. We embrace environmental awareness, protection and enhancement. Our goal is to be regarded as an environmentally responsible corporate citizen that practices environmental stewardship and provides our valued customer base with complete confidence that our products have been produced in accordance with applicable independent environmental standards.
- Reusing and recycling by-products, packaging and waste material
- Reducing the level of packaging and consumables used
- Capturing, storing and using rainwater for our water needs
- Maximise transport loads, thus reducing energy requirements.

Environmental Certification
Hume Doors will only use, manufacture or market any product or service that we have total satisfaction has been achieved safely and in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Green Star
Hume Doors & Timber use adhesives that have been formally tested for formaldehyde emissions and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) as recommended by the Green Building Council and Green Star mark.
We embrace environmental awareness, protection and enhancements
Timber is a fully sustainable resource that is non-toxic, reusable and versatile. The continued growth and planting of forests aid in the reduction of carbon dioxide. The future of our products, business, industry and customer satisfaction is directly linked to the sustainable management of the world’s forests. Our manufacturing and distribution processes have been designed to minimise our environmental footprint by, among other things:
- Reusing and recycling by-products, packaging and waste material
- Reducing the level of packaging and consumables used AL
- Capturing, storing and using rainwater for our water needs
- Maximise transport loads, thus reducing energy requirements
- Utilising energy to its maximum efficiency
- Subscribing to renewal energy sources (where possible)
- Utilising recycled product (where possible)
- Organising our transportation routes to minimise energy requirements of our vehicle fleet
- Providing reliable, long lasting products that are backed by a 5 year guarantee
- Ensuring our suppliers of raw material products are accredited by appropriate independent, third party environmental stewardship programs including FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council), PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes), AFS (Australian Forestry Standard), etc and hold to the principles of and guidelines contained within these programs.
Environmental Manufacturing
Hume Doors & Timber is committed to operating its entire business processes in an environmentally sustainable manner at all times. We embrace environmental awareness, protection and enhancement. Our goal is to be regarded as an environmentally responsible corporate citizen that practices environmental stewardship and provides our valued customer base with complete confidence that our products have been produced in accordance with applicable independent environmental standards.

Hume Doors & Timber (Aust) Pty Ltd is a member of the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes (AU17/05236).

Hume Doors & Timber (Qld) Pty Ltd is a certified member of the Forest Stewardship Council® (SGSHK-CoC-009405).

Hume Doors & Timber (Aust) Pty Ltd is a certified member of the Forest Stewardship Council® (SGSHK-CoC-009377).
Our Values
- To innovate and make a difference in your home
- To continue to build valued relationships with staff, suppliers and distributors
- doneTo continue to improve on our environmental sustainability and recycling